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Folded Table Tennis Table Daily Maintenance

Dec. 28, 2017

Folded Table Tennis Table surface is easy to deform in place of humid and large temperature range, so the table tennis table should be placed in the air circulation place, so as to avoid sun exposure, and not to be exposed to outdoor sun and rain.

1.China Table Tennis Table is not in use, two tables should be placed together, soft cloth or foam paper or other soft objects in the middle. 

2.When the single fold table tennis table is used, the two tables should be kept at a certain distance, then the two tables will be closed after the full expansion.

3.Avoid sitting or placing heavy objects and sharp objects in the table tennis table, do not use hard object or racket to hit the table.

4.It is forbidden to carry out the table tennis table on the uneven ground.

5.The floating dust on table can be cleaned with duster, the stains can not wash with water, should wipe with wet cloth.

6.It can not put hot water cups, hot bowl and other high temperature objects, to prevent the destruction of the film. 

7.We must check the table before moving the legs, otherwise may damage the casters.

8.We must adjust the bumper under the table to the correct position, otherwise it damage the insurance device.

Folded Table Tennis Table
